ZINNA - The Voice Of Child
To be the voice of those speechless children who are going to be the future of our country.
When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.
To be the voice of those speechless children who are going to be the future of our country.
Organisation of fun events and sports events in "Kshitish Deaf And Dumb School" of Nivaranpur, Doranda , Ranchi. You may see the glory on their face.
Well, that's what we work for i.e, to bring smile on their face.
It's just the beginning we have a long way to go.
Started 3 years back we've successfully conducted many events.
Sponsorship is a great source of additional revenue and contacts and that's why we focus on the same.
We thank our sponsors for helping us reach out a threshold of Rs. 750,000.
At ZINNIA, we urge you to participate in the events by donating for those who really need it. We accept small contributions too.
ZINNIA - The Voice Of Child is an organization started by some students to support children who in any way are challenged physically, mentally or financially and try to give them a pedestal to represent their talent which gets hidden behind the tag of disabled given by our so called “elite” society.Together we can help these children to find their correct status and change the perception of world towards them.Being busy can make you rich, but being rich makes you feel busier still so , Come be the part of us, be the voice of those speechless children who are going to be the future of our country.
Have a look at our past events gallery, see how much fun we have while helping people. Join our community today!
We have answered some frequently asked questions which may arise in the mind of new participants.
ZINNIA – The Voice Of Child. Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference. The condition of children today who are involved in Child labour in India is alarming. Majority of them have never been to school, they can’t even write their names or do there basic works. Some of them work for more than 10 hours a day. All this is hampering their growth and development. No child deserves to live like this. We at zinnia - The Voice Of Child believe that every child needs to live there childhood by exploring there own interest areas as well as their basic education and every child deserves a happy and a safe childhood. Let’s call upon our members to do all it takes to prevent children from getting into such work situations. Every bit of support is vital if we get it from you
If you have questions about our events, don't hesitate to send us your message. This is a real working contact form, test it!
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Work office: Jyotibihar Apartment, Kishore Ganj, Ranchi, 834001
Registered Office: Gandhi Tola, Chaibasa, Jharkhand